Howard Zinn on War   by Howard Zinn   Revised and Updated Edition

 Revised and Updated Edition

This second edition of Howard Zinn on War is a collection of twenty-six short writings chosen by the author to represent his thinking on a subject that concerned and fascinated him throughout his career. He reflects on the wars against Iraq, the war in Kosovo, the Vietnam War, World War II, and on the meaning of war generally in a world of nations that can’t seem to stop destroying each other. These readings appeared first in magazines and newspapers including the Progressive and the Boston Globe, as well as in Zinn’s books, Failure to QuitVietnam: The Logic of WithdrawalThe Politics of History, and Declarations of Independence.

Here we see Zinn’s perspective as a World War II veteran and peace activist who lived through the most devastating wars of the twentieth century and questioned every one of them with his combination of integrity and historical acumen. In his essay, « Just and Unjust War, » Zinn challenges us to fight for justice « with struggle, but without war. » He writes in « After the War » (2006) that while governments bring us into war, « their power is dependent on the obedience of the citizenry. When that is withdrawn, governments are helpless. » In Howard Zinn on War, his message is clear: « The abolition of war has become not only desirable but absolutely necessary if the planet is to be saved. It is an idea whose time has come. »



“He’s changed the conscience of America in a highly constructive way. I really can’t think of anyone I can compare him to in this respect.”

“Howard had a genius for the shape of public morality and for articulating the great alternative vision of peace as more than a dream.”


Bill Proposed to Ban Howard Zinn from Arkansas Public Schools

It’s come to our attention that Arkansas State Representative Kim Hendren has recently proposed a bill to ban all books by or about Howard Zinn from use in public schools and open-enrollment charter schools throughout the state.

We’ll track how it fares over the next few months. For now, we can just hope it does what such silly attempts at censorship tend to do these days: drive up sales! Check out some great Zinn titles from SSP below. And if you’re from Arkansas, drop us a line at to see if we can’t arrange a special Zinn deal for you.



HOWARD ZINN’s (1922–2010) great subject isn’t war, but peace. After his experience as a bombardier in World War II, he became convinced that there could be no such thing as a “just war,” as the vast majority of modern warfare’s victims are made up of innocent civilians. In his books, including A People’s History of the United States and its companion volume, Voices of a People’s History of the United States, Zinn affirms the power of the masses to influence major events. Through a lifetime of pointed scholarship and principled civil disobedience, he has led and continues to lead generations in the ways of peace.

Publié on 24 mars 2018 at 9:46  Commentaires fermés sur Howard Zinn on War   by Howard Zinn   Revised and Updated Edition